Visitor International – the International Association of Visitor Information Providers is an Association that highlights the importance of providing quality visitor information to visitors via area host locations. These locations typically are visitor centers, hotels, attractions or transportation centers.
Guests at the Hampton Inn Savannah - Historic District have quality visitor information right at their fingertips.
Brochure Displays guide guests to great experiences which leads to happier customers. Research shows that happy guests will return again, stay longer and will become an ambassador for your destination. Visitors don’t come to just stay in the accommodation – they visit cities to enjoy the overall experience of the destination.
The Savannah Convention Center hosts conventions, special events, athletic events, graduations and much more every year. Visitors who travel for these events are known to return to a destination and bring their families if they enjoy their visit.
Visitor brochures support local businesses and this directly impacts the economy! Think about that – each location that hosts a brochure display is promoting and supporting local retail establishments, restaurants, attractions and tour companies. These businesses reciprocate by attracting visitors to the destination which, in turn, supports brochure display host locations. Brochures give visitors options for enjoyment, often leading them to alter their plans when they learn about a new service or attraction.
The Members of Visitor International would like to take this opportunity to thank all the host locations in United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe and South Africa. We appreciate you recognizing the importance of hosting a display for your guests, your hospitality staff and local businesses.
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