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Phil in the Neighborhoods

  • Chippewa Square 17 West McDonough Street Savannah, GA, 31401 United States (map)

Your SavPhil is kicking off the spring Phil the Neighborhoods series in Chippewa Square on Saturday, March 22nd at 1 PM! This performance is free & open to the public.

Music for the Chippewa Square event will be performed from the porch of Ralston College, also known as the Philbrick-Eastman House, located at 17 West McDonough Street in downtown Historic Savannah.

This performance is sponsored by Staci Donegan, Associate Broker at Seabolt Real Estate, who was recently honored as a 2024 Top Producer and inducted into the invitational Christie’s Master Circle for the sixth consecutive year. Staci’s sponsorship is in memory of her daughter, Anne Chaddock Donegan, to celebrate her commitment to kindness.

An exciting weekend of additional Phil the Neighborhoods performances continues Thursday, April 24-Saturday, April 26.

Visit our website for the full spring Phil the Neighborhoods schedule:

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Official Guides of Savannah aims to provide the most up-to-date information on events listed on The Lobby List. In the event of a change, we will do our best to make sure it is reflected in our list. However, the best source for current information is the link to the actual event included in The Lobby List posting.